Fall Is For Planting: Bulbs
by Lynne Harder
The arrival of the Autumnal Equinox on September 22 brings with it cooler temperatures and fewer bugs. In the South, fall is a great time to get out and garden! In addition to getting those trees and shrubs in the ground, this is THE time to get those Spring and Summer flowering bulbs planted in your Raleigh Landscaping to ensure a brilliant color display after the winter thaw. It’s tough to imagine winter now but, your hard work and planning will pay off come March when you are dreaming of Easter Lilies, May Day and Garden Parties!
A Little Bulb Background:
Bulbs are a specialized group of perennials that consist of a wide range of choices. They are an underground mass of plant tissue that store food for the next year’s bloom. Most bulbs prefer a well-drained, sunny site and many will come back year after year with little care. A common mistake is over-watering which can rot the bulbs. However, most important in helping those bulbs come back next year is to allow the foliage on spring and summer flowering bulbs to die naturally. The leaves will turn yellow and fall off after they have supplied the bulb with the nutrients they need for next year’s bloom.
Planting Tips:
Bulbs add color to a perennial border and look great in containers. They also work well in rock gardens and larger areas such as fields and meadows. Instead of cutting back the nutrient absorbing foliage you can use lower-growing plants such as phlox to hide the spent foliage. However, achieving a balanced combination is the key to a magnificent show. Thus, some important considerations when coordinating with the rest of the perennial orchestra include: timing, climate, height and color. In the Raleigh area it is best to install bulbs in your landscaping by Thanksgiving.
You can contact DesignScapes at 919-844-3441 or designscapes1@nc.rr.com to schedule an appointment today and get your fall planting under way!