If you only have a small outdoor space, you still have plenty of options for creating a garden or landscape that you can enjoy. There are plenty of plants and landscape designs that will add interest to a patio, courtyard or small yard. It is still possible to create an intimate space for outdoor living enjoyment. Imagine a nice sitting area tucked into a secret garden nook or a courtyard or patio surrounded with colorful plants and interesting foliage. Of course, the type of garden or landscaping depends on your needs and desires. One thing to remember is to choose plants that are an appropriate size for the area. It is important not to select plants that are too large that will overwhelm the area or compete with other plants or garden features for space.
Adding a border along the perimeter of a courtyard or going vertical with a trellis or pergola is a great way to bring the garden into this type of living domain. Containers can go a long way too and you can easily fill them with plants that will certainly add interest to the space. Creating a landscape design for a small yard can be an enjoyable experience. One thing about having a smaller palette to work with is that it should require fewer and smaller plants than a large yard or landscape. This makes it easier too, if you have a limited budget, to install all the plants at the initial installation rather than completing it in stages. Another advantage is not having to wait for plants to grow and fill in your garden or landscape. Thus, it can be simpler to transform a small garden space from a plain slate into a lush landscape or outdoor living room.
Designscapes of NC can help design and install a garden or landscape for smaller spaces in the Raleigh area. We are knowledgeable about the types of plants that grow well in Raleigh, NC and which ones are best suited for smaller spaces. If we can help, please give us a call at 919-844-3441 or fill out the contact form below.